Monday, March 22, 2010

Gettysburg take 2

Introducing letterboxing to my boyfriend (ZJBearsfan) has been one of the best things ever. It works out perfectly because he loves to drive, figure out puzzles and go on road trips and i love road trips, carving and being crafty. It all works out well for us. So since he loves letterboxing now too we have gone and found a good number of boxes and even planted a few. We also took a trip to Gettysburg, which was fun because my family and i had been up there boxing before but this time i got to find a few more boxes then i had before so it was awesome. I also got to experience finding my first hitch hiker after months of being a boxer. I was so excited and my boyfriend really was unsure why until i explained to him what they were, then he was excited too. So needless to say we had so much fun and found a bunch of boxes and took a bunch of pictures which was so fun!

These are some of the pics we took, some are near boxes that we found without giving a place a way and others are just random pictures that we took! ENJOY!!!!
